Whether it’s a patient’s journey through their condition, or a customer’s journey to a major purchase, journeys can be foundational and inspirational. However, they don’t always live up to their full potential. Fortunately, Shapiro+Raj has the mindset and methods that provide a clear, consistent roadmap for creating transformational journeys.

First, think beyond the steps in a journey. Journeys that simply capture the milestones don’t cut it. They may capture the events, but don’t fully consider the context that defines the experience.

Translate ‘moments’ to opportunities. “Moments of meaning” bring the journey to life but can fall short when not clearly linked to a tension to resolve, concealing opportunities for activation.

Inspire the team to act. Journeys are foundational pieces of insight that should guide your team for multiple years. This can’t happen when journeys feel like “words on a page.”

A 360° Human-Centered approach is critical.

Embracing Techmanity™ in customer journeys.

Creating inspirational journeys requires a blend of technology and the ‘human touch.’ At S+R we artfully apply the concept of Techmanity™ by tapping into techniques that elicit deep human truths and leveraging technology platforms that allow us to get to insights in innovative and efficient ways.

To dive deep into the human experience a few techniques we often leverage include:

  1. Six-Word Stories quickly uncover how customers describe the journey. This technique quickly accesses impactful, influential, and pivotal events, memories, and emotions​.
  2. Micro-Moments Retrieval is a police-inspired interviewing technique that’s used to push respondents to think about deeper micro-moments that impact their experience and perceptions.
  3. Self-Mentorship Journaling encourages meaningful self-reflection that can shed light on critical milestones and corresponding emotional states.
  4. Care Kits help articulate their unmet needs and the critical points in the journey in which they need support.

Innovative tech that empowers us:

  1. Recollective is a user-friendly digital ethnography platform that helps us track the lived experience in your therapeutic area over the course of five to seven days through a series of specially crafted questions, exercises, and patient reflections.
  2. LiveStream captures in-the-moment experiences, with real-time reactions and visceral emotions. Respondents feel comfortable on their phones, in their own home, and more likely to share issues without the pressure of a moderator.
  3. Digital Footprint Analysis tells us real-life behaviors in the digital space. Digital tracking can collect days or weeks of online behavior to better understand the online journey experience and codify differences by segment.

Ultimately, this means we can create journeys that achieve three key objectives. First, enable clients to “feel” emotions, needs, and tensions in each stage, conveyed in respondents’ own words via videos, metaphors, stories, quotes, and artifacts. Second, identify solution spaces:  the leverage points and opportunities for brand action. More than “moments of meaning,” they identify not just when to act, but why and how. Lastly, define tactics:  Drill down the critical tactics needed along the journey by identifying the sticking points, accelerators, barriers, and resources that influence action.

We are passionate about helping brands and businesses create inspired customer journeys. Reach out to us at [email protected] to see how we can help you.